As all people do, Jillian Best Adler sits at the intersection of multiple identities. She is the mother of three children.  She is a mixed-race Black woman and a Jew-by-choice.  She has had the immense privilege of accessing high quality education and earned a Masters degree in Child Development from the Erikson Institute. 

Jillian holds the belief that, in fact, the children are the future, and that, if we teach them well, they will lead the way.  As such, she has devoted her life, personally and professionally, to making sure that the next generation of children are well-equipped to be kind, loving adults who exhibit respect to each other and to our planet, so that our society can be a place where all people are given the chance to thrive.  

And what’s the best way to equip children? Equip their parents and their educators. By providing nonjudgmental, tailored-to-your-situation support, Jillian helps parents and teachers re-evaluate their behaviors and beliefs so that they’re, in turn, providing nonjudgmental, tailored-to-their-situation support to children.

To read more about Jillian’s experiences as a professional and as a parent, check out The Balance and Wonder Blog.

Who is Jillian Best Adler?